Get Your IT SLA Built and Running with Ease


May 2, 2013
2:00 pm ET / 11:00 am PT
Duration: 60 minutes

Defining and reporting on IT SLAs is critical for IT department success. However, today’s IT infrastructure includes disparate services, cloud, virtualization, and heterogeneous platforms that can make it seem daunting. But it doesn’t need to be rocket science. Learn how creating and reporting on SLAs can be easier.

In this eSeminar, we’ll give you best practices and the real-world knowledge you need to get started, or build on, your IT SLA and monitoring and reporting. We’ll cover:

  • What Business Service Management (BSM) means in an infrastructure focused world
  • How Excel reporting can be disastrous
  • How to remove departmental and career risk by creating realistic SLAs (Critical considerations)
  • Most important, learn how to demonstrate improvement over time to your business stakeholders and units

Alex Bewley
CTO, uptime software inc.

Sal Salamone
Moderator, Quinstreet

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